I created this blog, not to blast out my opinions, but to gather opinions from those who are seeking or have recently used a wedding or portrait photographer. I believe that as a photographer I work for my customers, not for my self. This blog is one way to help me avoid assumptions about the needs and desires of my customers. I'll be posting different topics in hopes that everyone will participate and provide their opinions.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Balancing act

My husband and I recently vacationed in Hawaii again. This time I made an effort to balance my passion for taking as many fine photos as possible with relaxing and having a good time. I thought it would be really hard to do, but knew it was necessary to unwind and thoroughly enjoy my vacation. My plans included bringing only a point and shoot camera at times, knowing I would be limited to snapshots and non-technical photos. This was great for hanging out on the beaches and around the resort and even in town. Plus I didn't have to lug around my huge DSLR, lenses, etc. It made life a lot easier.

The next decision was a bit harder, but I took my DSLR with me only when I knew I would be somewhere where I desired fine photos of the landscapes, etc. This worked great too. I was able to capture several beautiful images, while at other when the DSLR was not with me, able to simply chill and hang out with my husband, savoring each moment without photography getting in the way.

Looking through my images, I have no regrets and don't at all feel like I missed out on any photo opportunities. I even managed to capture images of some background locations used on the TV series "Lost". I'm a huge fan and that was really fun!! I thought it would be fun to post a gallery on my facebook page to share. I was right, it has been a huge hit and enjoyed by many!
Please visit my "fine art collection" gallery on Zenfolio. All images are available for viewing and purchase. www.taralovett.zenfolio.com