I created this blog, not to blast out my opinions, but to gather opinions from those who are seeking or have recently used a wedding or portrait photographer. I believe that as a photographer I work for my customers, not for my self. This blog is one way to help me avoid assumptions about the needs and desires of my customers. I'll be posting different topics in hopes that everyone will participate and provide their opinions.

Monday, June 1, 2009

A Residential Wedding

This weekend I shot a wedding at a residence. This was the first residential wedding I have photographed. I knew it would be beautiful, but I was a little concerned that there may be a lack of desirable backgrounds to chose from. What a silly thing to have been concerned about. As it turned out, I could have had the worst backgrounds ever to chose from and it wouldn't have mattered. The images would have been amazing regardless.

This was a small wedding with approximately 50 guests that took place in the backyard. The colors were bright and vibrant, just like the bride and her groom. The energy among the wedding party and guests was so close knit and loving that I could feel it. It really came through in the photos, especially those with the bride and groom. The bride, having grown up in that house, couldn't have been more comfortable getting married. I could see it on her face all day long. She was the happiest bride I have ever photographed. The groom too was full of emotion. He cried when he saw his bride walking down the aisle and continued crying throughout the ceremony. Meanwhile the bride was grinning ear to ear. It was amazing! In fact it was so amazing that I felt as though I knew the bride and groom and their guests, as if I were a guest myself. They made me feel very welcome and were very easy to work with. This was one of my favorite weddings to photograph and I will certainly shoot more residential weddings because of how special this one was!